Monday 7 January 2008


After getting my results for the photo project- which overall was a 2:1 (well chuffed!), I decided to think about the video work.

Our Brief was to create a short 10 second film that was to be shown in front of the lecture audience/workshop.

Initial thoughts were actually bland, i had no idea what to do for a week or so, but then i had the idea to imitate the effects on the Series "24", where they have 4 videos splitscreened onto one screen, with the clock in the centre counting down.

After some consideration, it was decided that this was not viable, but i wanted to do the 24 theme still.

Another week passed before i had any other idea, but the idea that came up was a good'n.

I decided to still do the 24 clock theme, but to have just the two videos, one either side and off centre.
The videos were to be of the view outside of my front window, when it is dark turning to light in the morning, and when it is light turning to dark in the evening, so i could then improve my video by doing a timelapse. This should enable me to get good marks as it is 2 different videos, which are then timelapsed.

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